Want to learn more about joining the ECS family? We’d love to hear from you and share what God’s doing in our school!
All parents interested in admission are required to complete the information requested via the Inquiry portal (see Inquiry button below). The school staff will contact interested parents and discuss classroom availability. Many classrooms are closed to new students.
During the Admissions process parents will meet with School Board representatives to be interviewed, have the incoming students academically tested (for Grades 1-7), and provide records of previous learning. Prior to their child’s acceptance at Ebenezer, and only when the school can guarantee placement in a classroom, parents will be asked to provide a $150 non-refundable deposit towards the family’s next year’s tuition. This is not a fee, but the first payment for the upcoming school year. For details, contact the principal through the school’s office.
All admissions and enrollments will be conducted through this online system. Interested parents are asked to use the Inquiry button below to request information and be contacted by school staff. You may also contact the office directly for information. No paper forms will be used for inquiries, admissions, or enrollments.
Inquiries can be made for this current 2024-25 school year AND the upcoming 2025-26 school year, whichever is appropriate for your child. If you have previously filled out an Inquiry for a previous year, we would encourage you to do so again for the coming year to let us know you’re still interested in an application opportunity.
All information is provided to our secure servers and will only be used for school inquiry purposes.
Student Requirements
Preschool: Must be 4 years old by September 1st and fully capable of taking care of their own bathroom/toileting needs.
Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by September 1st.
Grades 1-7:
Record of satisfactory conduct at previous school
Record of academic ability and achievement commensurate with the grade of which application is made
Commensurate entrance test scores (administered by school staff)
We do not accept new students entering 8th grade
Family Requirements
Ebenezer Christian School admits students who come from families:
Who grant the school the complete freedom to present the saving Lordship of Jesus Christ, His ownership of all things and all men in virtue of His death and resurrection, the call of God to repent and believe in the Gospel, and an explanation of a Christian way of looking at life and the world.
Who desire for their children an education based on the values expressed in our statement of Purpose
Who are in accordance with the biblical and doctrinal standards of the school for behavior and conduct
Who are willing to work cooperatively with the school in the Christian nurture of their children
Class Sizes
Ebenezer values each and every student and their educational experience. To keep the high level of interaction between teachers and students, we have classroom size limits in place. Currently, Preschool is limited to 12 students per session (AM and PM), with a combined total limit of 22; Kindergarten-8th classrooms are limited to 22. Classrooms may also be closed to new students if the classroom has learning needs that make it unwise to add new students. Contact the office for current class sizes and availability, especially in regards to Preschool and Kindergarten.
Read More About Class Sizes at Ebenezer
Ebenezer Endowment Fund
Ebenezer Christian School is blessed to have a growing endowment fund, managed by a capable Endowment Foundation Board. From protected investments, this fund’s interest is used to help defray the cost of education at Ebenezer Christian School. These monies are given to the school through supporters’ estates as well as gifts given by generous supporters.

Tours Available!
Individual tours of the campus are available for any family interested in checking out Ebenezer for their children simply by calling the school office. We’d love to have you come and experience the solid, Christ-centered education, the spiritual learning, and the social growth that happens in our school!